Deaf citizens and the European Union: Raising critical thinking skills

About the project

Full project title: Deaf citizens and the European Union: Raising critical thinking skills (DeafCitizen)
Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices; Cooperative Partnerships
Project code: KA220-SCH-000255739
Project duration: September 2024 to August 2027
Contact email:

Project goal

The goal is to prepare, implement, and share with the interested public activities, practices, and information that will lead n/Deaf and hard of hearing students to think critically, learn effective problem solving, and work collaboratively, and thus work effectively and critically with information and misinformation. In addition to representatives of the Deaf community, teachers themselves will be involved in the project. Secondarily, the project will strengthen the linguistic competence of the participants, especially in terms of English and the international signing system.

Project team

  • Innosign & Spojená škola Pavla Sabadoda internatna, Prešov (Slovakia)
  • Confederación Estatal de Personas Sordas (CNSE) & Centro Educativo Ponce de Leon – Asociación de Gestión Docente y Cultural (Spain)
  • Masarykova univerzita & Special Education School for Deaf Students, Valašské Meziříčí (Czech republic).

Project outputs

  • Activities focused on sharing information, experiences, and transferring know-how in the education of Deaf and hard-of-hearing students;
  • Translations of relevant documents into sign languages (Czech Sign Language, Slovak Sign Language, Spanish Sign Language, and International Sign) and spoken languages (Czech, Slovak, Spanish, English);
  • Related dictionary entries for sign languages – to be included in the online dictionary Dictio;
  • and more.