Social Reproduction in Eastern and Western Europe: Comparative Analyses on Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the Netherlands and Poland / Jules L. Peschar SYSNO 6471812, přírůstkové číslo 7410 Seznam obrázků v dokumentu: Figure 1: Changes in fluidity, total men Figure 2: Changes in fluidity, total women Figure 3: Changes in fluidity, 25–29 year old men Figure 4: Changes in fluidity, 25–29 year old women Figure 1: Indices of heterogamy and dissimilarity. Figure 2: Indices of forced heterogamy, absolute and relative rates. Figure 3: Estimates of parameters of homogamy and heterogamy in four nations Figure 4: Symmetrical odds ratios in log form for pairs of educational levels. Figure 5: Effects on Material consumption: adjusted deviations. Figure 6: Effects on Cultural consumption: beta parameters. Figure 7: Effects on income: beta parameters. Figure 1: Basic model of cultural differentiation. Figure 2: Model of cultural differentiation including class position. Figure 1: Basic Model of Attainment Figure 2a: Standardised regression coefficients; all men Figure 2b: Standardised regression coefficients; ‘non-farm’ men Figure 1: Base scheme of social reproduction Figure 2: Recode scheme of educational levels Figure 1: L-parameter for structural educational mobility Figure 2: Q-parameter for circular educational mobility Figure 3: L-parameter for structural occupational mobility Figure 4: Q-parameter for circular occupational mobility Figure 1: Baseline and extended model Figure 2: Decomposition of effects of SES on ED. Figure 3: Decomposition of effects of SES on MAT. Figure 1: Development of vocational education. Figure 2: Development of secondary and higher education. Figure 3: Dissimilarity of educational structures. Figure 4: Patterns of educational mobility – men. Figure 5: Patterns of educational mobility – women. Figure 6: Dissmilitary between origins and destinations. Figure 7: Standardized residuals from Model 4. Figure 8: Standardized residuals from Model 4. Figure 9: Patterns of exchange mobility. Figure 10: Q-parameters (Hope’s quadratic distance model). Figure 11: V-parameters (Hope’s linear distance model). Figure 12: L-parameters (Hope’s linear structural shift)