Advances in Cyber Security: Technology, Operations, and Experiences / D. Frank Hsu SYSNO 6409266, přírůstkové číslo 6733 Seznam obrázků v dokumentu: Figure 1. Immersion of the Cyber-Physical-Natural (CPN) ecosystem Figure 2: Cybersecurity Informatics Framework (CIF) for the CPN cyberspace ecosystem Figure 1: Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack: (a) Example of a DDoS attack network; (b) DDoS attack flooding a primary victim site. Figure 2: Bastion hardware-software security architecture Figure 3: Conventional and minimal trust chains Figure 1: Web browsing through a Tor circuit. Figure 2: End-to-end correlation by a single AS observer Figure 1. Defending software systems against cyber attacks throughout their lifecycle. Figure 2: ConfigAssure system overview Figure 3: Visualization of IP network topology noninvasively computed from analysis of router configuration files. Figure 4. Run-time monitoring and anomaly detection. Figure 1. Tier 1 provider interconnection model. Figure 2. Tier 2 provider model. Figure 3. Traffic flow via transit versus peering. Figure 4. Traffic via transit not the shortest path. Figure 5. Symmetrical peering. Peering: Same amount of traffic on both directions Figure 6. Asymmetrical peering. Peering: Large traffic amount to one direction Figure 7. Layer 2 IXP architecture. Figure 8. Layer 3 IXP architecture. Figure 1. Hypothesized effects on individual centrality. Figure 2. In- and outdegree distributions for the complete time span on a logarithmic scale. Figure 3. Visualization of relationships (black line) formed between forum members (red bullets) over the complete time span. Figure 1. Overview of the life cycle of a medical IT network. Note the alignment of processes to ISO 20000. (Image reprinted by permission from the International Electrotechnical Commission [IEC] from its International Standard IEC 80001-1 ed.1.0 [2010].) Figure 1. Notable security incidents since 1982 Figure 2. Security market in Japan [3]. Figure 3. Global security market in 2007 [4]. Figure 4: MRC display for risk analysis Figure 5. Mitigating information leakage.